TOWN ADMIN INFO - Alberton is an incorporated town governed by a mayor and four-member council that meets the first Tuesday of each month.
The Town Clerk produces meeting agendas and minutes for each meeting of the Alberton Town Council. You can find them posted on our website and at the Alberton Post Office.
Community News: Next Town Council Meeting is Tuesday, April 2nd
Community News: Next Town Council Meeting is Tuesday, March. 4th.
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ALBERTON: PLAYFUL CITY U.S.A. Alberton Montana is recognized as A Playful City USA.
ATTENTION Notice a change in your water bill this month? The approved (Nov. 2024) rate increase goes into effect with our January billing. The increase only affects the water BASE rate, and no other part of the bill. Here's a quick overview of the changes. See Water Rate Increase Resolution link below.
SURVEY RESULTS: Alberton was surveyed for lead in water pipes. Find the results on our Water-Sewer page.
NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING: Join us at the next Town Council Meeting: Tuesday February 5th, 2025 @ 7 pm at the Community Center. Public Welcome!
A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT. Alberton is located along the Clark Fork River, near the Alberton Gorge west of Missoula.
A MUSEUM IN A BOXCAR The Town of Alberton is blessed to have two museums that capture the history of this railroad town. Our Railroad Museum is housed in an authentic Milwaukee Railroad Boxcar. The museums are open to the public during the summer.
COMMUNITY CENTER Rental Events Calendar
ALBERTON RAILROAD DAY. Free family-friendly events to celebrate our Railroad Heritage in western Montana.
THIRD SATURDAY IN JULY The history of Alberton, Montana, includes the railway that once ran through downtown in the 1900s. Our Community Center -- which is available for rent -- is the originalMilwaukee Rail Depot. Join us in July as we celebrate Alberton Railroad Day!